Welcome to RHIS
A Leading School in China
RHIS is a private school located in Zhūjì Shì, Zhèjiāng Shěng, established in 1996 with Chinese government and the Ministry of Education approval. Currently RHIS has more than 5,000 students attending at the moment. It has many awards from more than 200 Chinese universities and has a high rate of entry to top universities such as Peking University, Qinghua University, and Fudan University, which are top prestigious Chinese universities. Students from all over the world, including Korea, the United States, Canada, and Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, are studying at RHIS international department-- students can not only improve their language skills but also experience various cultures.
Best School in China
Learn China. Learn Chinese.
Learn how to become a
global leader.
Enjoy our amazing boarding experience with peer international boarders from all over the world.
We proudly present our safe environment, reasonable cost, and excellent academic and boarding management.
I love studying at RHIS with my friends from all over the world. This is why I chose RHIS. At the same time, I love that I can make my dream to top universities in China. It makes me happy that I can create my future here.
98% of RHIS graduates attend a higher education institution upon graduation.
Not only top universities in China, many other top schools in Korea, Japan, USA, UK, Canada, Australia recognize RHIS diploma.
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Life at RHIS
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University Destination
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